Now that’s a box full of color! With beautiful hot pink roses, yellow gerberas, fuchsia carnations, and more, Artistic Embrace is bursting with vibrance. Add a touch of fun to your home or occasion with this wonderful bouquet!
Getting fresh flowers is always memorable and special for your recipient - regardless of their age. Featuring red gerberas, orange roses and yellow lilies, our Bright Before Your Eyes Bouquet has just what it takes to bring some fun and show you care!
Stun them with a cheerful arrangement! Timeless Tangerine is lively, fun, and positively breathtaking. Bursting with 12 stunning orange roses, this beauty is guaranteed to uplift anyone’s spirits!
Summer is the time for fresh flowers! Bring that sunny outdoor feeling indoors with our Designer’s Choice Summer Flower Arrangement. We’ll create something that will have you celebrating the beauty of the brightest season of all! A colorful bouquet is exactly what you need to warm up your summer home.
A magnificent mixture of florals, including bells of Ireland, orange snapdragons and roses, and purple stock can all be found in this blossoming arrangement. This colorful design is perfect for birthdays, just because, and so much more!
These flowers are hot, hot, hot! Spice up the summer with an extravagant floral arrangement. There’s nothing better than getting flowers, especially summer ones! You can trust our designers to make something sunny and show-stopping—the perfect gift or home decor!
Bubble Bowl , Bupleurum, Italian Ruscus, Pittosporum, Orange Gerberas, Green Hydrangea , Green Hypericum , Hot Pink Roses, Sunflowers, Orange Tulips .
Bright, cheerful, and colorful are the perfect words to describe this arrangement. With orange gerberas, hot pink roses, sunflowers, orange tulips, and more, Sunny Citrus Charm is a perfect pick-me-up. Brighten someone’s day with this stunning bouquet today!
Charming and delightful, this attractive bouquet will be the highlight of their day! Featuring dreamy pink, yellow, and hot pink alstroemeria, Alluring Alstroemeria is an entrancing and colorful mix, perfect for any occasion. Send this dazzling bouquet to someone you love today!
Send something bright to your sunshine! Sweet Lemon Roses is a dazzling display of affection. Combining yellow alstroemeria with yellow roses, this arrangement will most definitely make them feel golden.
The sizzling summer sun is here to stay! Enjoy it safely inside with the addition of bright and cheery summer flowers. Send sunflowers, golden-yellow daisies, princess-pink carnations, or any other summertime favorite. You deserve a fun summer treat, and flowers are 0 calories! Need to send flowers to a friend or loved one out of town? No problem, TERESITA FLORAL CREATIONS in Fairfield can help! Simply stop by, give us a call or shop online, TERESITA FLORAL CREATIONS is glad to help!